Diameter tuber is commonly small, about 10-15 cm,
very dark, rough, producing seasonal rhizomatous buds.
Petiole 50-75 cm long and up to 120 cm according to
Jansen et al. (1996), smooth, sometimes glossy, variegated
surface colour from pale green, greenish brown, pure green
to pale brown, with randomly whitish green to dark green
irregular spots. Lamina or blade 50-75 cm in diameter and
up to 125 cm (Jansen et al. 1996); almost similar with A.
paeoniifolius lamina, leaflets elliptical to lanceolate, 4-34
cm x 2-12 cm. Peduncle about 50-60 cm, 1-2 cm diameter.
Inflorescence is longest than A. muelleri and A.
paeoniifolius; spathe narrowly short, up to 20 cm or 1/3-1/4
spadix length, limb pale green-green with randomly whitish
spots outside, creamy white-ivory inside. Spadix is
commonly very longer than spathe. When inflorescence is
flowering, it’s commonly known with bad smell that
appearing early in the evening. Only unripening
infructescens found during fieldwork, cylindrical, densely
arranged, green. Jansen et al. (1996) reported the ripening
fruit is orange-red with 1-3 seeded.

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