Capture Nature, From Fields to the Pages

Capture Nature, From Fields to the Pages
16 Februari 2016

Friday, 13 November 2015 become a historical day for Biodiversity Warriors. After success holding Capture Nature activity, BW has put the result of biodiversity observation in The Capital City into a book form.

The book title Geledah Potensi Keanekaragaman Hayati Ibukota is published in @america Pacific Place Mall, Jakarta. On that occasion, the book release moment is attended by Ahmad Baihaqi from BW, Shinta Indriyanti from Peta Hijau Indonesia and a city observer Nirwono Joga.

The result of Capture Nature in the capital city Jakarta then is compiled to become a book which titled “Geledah Potensi Keanekaragaman Hayati Ibu Kota”. The book that summarizes Jakarta green open space biodiversity was published officially on that day.

The biodiversity of green open space can be found in this book. These matter can motivate people to use green open space as the recreation and learning place.

Geledah Jakarta book can be guidance for citizen of Jakarta that want to do some observasion. The activity of citizen scientis which is held by BW become lot more easier to imitate by citizen, so it increasing awareness on preserving life environment, especially in Jakarta.

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Admin BW
Biodiversity Warriors

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