
28 Oktober 2014

Evergreen, unarmed tree to 15 m (50 ft) tall, with compact
spread, often multi-stemmed; young growth glaucous. Leaves alternate, simple, reduced
to phyllodes (flattened leaf stalks), these blade-like, slightly curved, 11-20 cm (5-8 in)
long, with 3-7 main parallel veins and a marginal gland near the base; surfaces dark
green. Flowers in loose, yellow-orange spikes at leaf axils or in clusters of spikes at stem
tips; flowers mimosa-like, with numerous free stamens. Fruit a flat, oblong pod, twisted
at maturity, splitting to reveal flat black seeds attached by orange, string like arils.

Keunikan: daun bermodifikasi menjadi filokladia

Tentang Penulis
Putri Diana

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