On October 1st, 2014 IGAF Standing Boards were – coordinated by Baskoro Pakusadewo , IPB- invited by @America to attend the Wild Series Protection: Tiger Seminar at @America, Jakarta. The seminar was organized by TCFA (Tropical Forest Conservation Action) and Yayasan Kehati. IGAF Standing Boards directly engaged and mandated the invitation to IGAF LC IPB (IGAF Local Committee Bogor Agricultural University). As we know most of IGAF LC IPB amounted 50 students attended the conference with curious questions and passions to know on how to conserve the endangered species in Indonesia notably Rhinoes and Tigers.
Apparently the focus just enumerated tigers of which tigers confronted and suffered an extintion because of unplanned development and illegal trading.The trading was not solely bringing about extinction, it would be generating frontier conflict, economic development and public health.
So, lessons learned we can benefit are: as Indonesian young people we must help the government and NGOs concerning the endangered species conservation on commiting their conducts; as young greeners we must give innovative solution to tackle the problems particularly tiger conservation; and the last, conservation is not only considering ecology, but also economic and social are other indispensable things which are not able to be ignored.
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