What do you think about skills for rural youth and urban youth? Is it alike? The answer is positively different because it depends on related factors such as the environment of youth, education, technology, and so forth. Here we will elaborate what kind of skills to rural youth are. Rural and remote area are quite same to the characteristics where most of society lived there will gain the difficulty to access technology and information well as compared with urban area. Poverty is sometimes identical with the rural area, predominantly in low and some middle income countries. This stereotype is not easy to be lost because most of people lived in rural area work in agricultural and forestry sectors with low salary. Youth lived in rural area also face disadvantages due to limited skills they harbor to counterbalance the same skills of urban youth. The limited skill of rural youth will limit them to look for an appropriate job. So, the youth perception says that rural area is not potential to find good job. Furthermore, youth migrate to urban area to look for better job; and in rural area, agricultural lands are abandoned because there are no generations who want to be farmers. Despite of the above, gender disparity still occurs in rural area mainly young women are specially isolated and marginalized to access good education. Directly and indirectly, the involvement of young women will detract the golden opportunity to sustain their life of being better than before. Although they have a chance to stay at school, the lack of knowledge and assets to reach the right education still haunts them to get proper skills. UN FAO has developed a programme for developing skill of youth in rural area in the realm of agriculture. By giving training about agriculture, on how embody sustainable agriculture, is good thing for skills development. Set theories also should be prompted to be given to them. Why should be agriculture firstly to youth lived in rural area? Like the mentioned above, rural area is close to agricultural. Agricultural development is the best way for economic growth to address the problem of skill lacking for youth in rural area. However, the kind of agriculture that will be evolved is not traditional, but it is needed an ancillary thing known as technology. Understanding in using technology should be given to youth theoretically and practically. Another things needed are land, labor, and capital. In Indonesia, government provides an integrated mechanism to develop skill and technology in agriculture, namely agricultural intensification or PANCA USAHA TANI. It is proven give benefits for economic, social, and ecology to the farmers.
Find at my blog link: http://achmadmoslem.blogspot.com/2014/03/rural-youth-need-agricultural-skills.html

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