Five rare animal from Five Island in Indonesia

Five rare animal from Five Island in Indonesia
12 March 2016

Rare animals in Indonesia are spread to different corner, from Papua Island to the east until Sumatera Island to the west of Indonesia. Various animals which live in Indonesia show the rich of Indonesian Biodiversity.

Mammals is a group of animal that easier to be remembered and learned. the size of mammals that relatively big and there are a lot of mammals in Indonesia. However, there are some mammals that endangered and extremely rare to be found in its natural habit. 

In every island or region in Indonesia has a unique natural characteristic. Hence, every region has a mammal which cannot be found in other place. Five rare mammals below are endemic mammals from each place.

Five rare mammals from Indonesia:


Sumatran Tiger
Sumatran Tiger (Latin Language : Panthera tigris sumatrae) is a subspecies of tiger that come from sumatera island and also one of six subspecies of tiger which is survived until now and also belong to the classification of critically endanger animal place on the red list that is released from World Conservation Institution IUCN.


Kalimantan Orangutan
Orangutan is like as big ape with long arms and reddish or brownish fur. Kalimantan Orangutan scientific name is Pongo pygmaeus. Kalimantan Orangutan is in the list of critically endangered classification released by IUCN. The population decrease drastically, where in 1994 the number is about 12000 orangutans but in 2003 only 7300 orangutan. The data in 2008 reported that the number of Sumatran orangutan is estimated only 6500 orangutan.


Java Rhinoceros
Java rhinoceros or one horned small rhinoceros ( Rhinoceros sondaicus ) is the member of Rhinocerotidae family and one of five rhinoceros that still exist in the world. Java rhinoceros is listed in IUCN list as Critically Endangered Classification. In 1967, when rhinoceros census is held in Ujung Kulon, only 25 which is exist. In 1980, rhinoceros population increase and still exist at the number of 50 until now.


Yaki or celebes black monkey (Macaca nigra) is Indonesian endemic animal that only live in North Sulawesi and some islands surrounding. Yaki has included to Critically endangered classification listed by IUCN. Yaki’s population can be found in some point in primary forest of Tangkoko, BItung preservation, begin in North Tangkoko Batuangus preservation until Onggak Dumoga River. People often to hunt Yaki for its meat. The demand of yaki’s meat increase toward Christmas and New year eve. Until now, Yaki’s population is estimated only 3000 yaki which live in Tangkoko Forest, North Sulawesi.


Tree Kangaroo
Kangaroo is famous in Australia Continent, but do you know that we can found a unique kangaroo in Raja Ampat? This unique kangaroo is called the tree-kangaroo, this animal scientific name is Dendrolagus sp. The tree-kangaroo is endangered animal because of hunting and habitat lose.

Tentang Penulis
BW Admin

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