Wildlife Inventory and Monitoring at Bodogol Nature Reserve

Aktivitas, Kehutanan, Satwa
Wildlife Inventory and Monitoring at Bodogol Nature Reserve
23 June 2022

*All captured animals are returned to their habitat after identification and documentation*

Field activities for Inventory and Monitoring of Wildlife course, Forest Resources Conservation and Ecoutourism Dept., Faculty of Forestry and Environment, IPB University. Held at Bodogol Nature Reserve, West Java, on November 15-17 2019.

Observations were made on eight routes for mammal and bird taxa, namely Africa route, Cikaweni, Cipadaranteun 1 and 2, Rasamala, Canopy trail and Gombong Koneng route. Meanwhile, herpetofauna observations were carried out on four routes, namely Ciapadaranteun, Canopy trail, Rasamala and Africa route. There were 13 types of mammals consisting of 8 families and 5 orders. Mammals with the widest distribution are plaintain squirrel (C. notatus), then East Javan langur (T. auratus) and Javan gibbon (H. moloch). The bird species found consisted of 51 species, in 30 families. The most common families found were the Decaidae and Silviidae families, with the average discovery on the Canopy Trail and Rasamala. Protected birds found include Malaysian pied fantail, Greater green leafbird, Blue-winged leafbird, Crimson sunbird, Javan banded pitta, and Mountain swiftlet. There were 18 types of herpetofauna, consisting of 8 types of amphibians and 10 types of reptiles.

Hak Cipta:
Desita Dyah
Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism

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