Climate Smart Forestry is not only ways to step on accelaring the goals of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM), but also it will enhance other aspects related to evironmental sustainability. An initiative to escalate the goals both SFM and environmental sustainability is by campaigning with meaningful words.
On 2 November 2014, IGAF was invited by Students’ Executive Board of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) to promote the spirit of young people in embodying the goals of Climate Smart Forestry. The promotion was by revealing words on “BIG WORDS CAMPAIGN”. The campaign was done by IGAF standing boards and IGAF LC IPB by carving meaningful words on corrugated papers or used cardboxs. As the result, as the Green Festival IPB was held, many more attenders was impressively attracted to visit IGAF’s tribune. Another way to promote climate smart forestry was by spreading YUNGA challenge badges on forest and biodiversity, and disseminating TUNZA Eco-generation promotional goods.
Mostly students were engaged to know what Climate Smart Forestry was. They were so curious to know till we explained to students were really understanding the concept and having the increament of awareness to forest conservation, and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
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