18 March 2015

Monday, February 2nd, 2015 IGAF Standing Boards held WASH AND WATER PROJECT in SDN 02 Jambu Jepara. This event was attended by the children in grade 5 and 6 SD and about 70 participants. What is a wash and water project? So in these activities, children are given education on biodiversity and water by Achmad Solikhin before. What is meant by biodiversity, how human beings are created different appearance, and also why it is very important to conserve water.

Not only that, the children are also invited to plant medicinal plants, mustard seeds and spinach. Their own practice how to form a poly bag, giving the planting medium, and planting seeds. In this activity, aided also by Angga Dwi Indrianto, Amalia Puji Nabila, Octavia Ayu Riwayanti, and Mutiara Niken. After planting, it's time to Wash Project. Handwash demo is to show also that washing hand is very important to maintain health. We also should not be wasteful of water, such as turn on the faucet with a heavy or light up when we're allowed to use soap.

In addition to these activities, for children in grade 5th is inserted also for drawing posters about Water project. Which in the poster they speak about the importance of water and the most exciting, when the photo session the children shouted "Save Water for Our Better Future!".


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