Marginalized Young People as Concerned Parts of Agricultural Development

Marginalized Young People as Concerned Parts of Agricultural Development
18 Maret 2015

Enhancing the productivity like mentioned above notably of both food and agriculture is not easily indeed like turning our hands. Multi-stakeholder should be brought together without marginalizing one or more groups into accounts. Relating the previous explanation, marginalized young people will be the forefront of outlet ways of enhancing the productivity of food and agriculture. Perhaps, it will be necessarily high energies and willing to empower the youths, and needs more aids to help them on determining rights into agriculture realm. These energies and willing are compulsory because the youths do positively not well know the implementation of sustainable agriculture sciences from basic to advance because of their limited capabilities especially youths with disabilities. We stake, each youth harbors the potential - like youth with disabilities, young rural women and indigenous people - or even surmounting the youths without disabilities. They can contribute more for seizing sustainable agriculture and sustainable development. In fact, most of marginalized people play indispensable roles on managing agriculture through naturally agricultural system and local knowledge, and on conserving the traditional culture of cultivating they have. In Indonesia and other countries, most of young indigenous people have been proven surrendering many more incredible information for agriculture, CCA and CCM. However, they are not concerned by most of people so that their potentials are disappearing and hidden.



How to get involved them, quite difficult and impossible? “Everthing is not absurd as we can act with accompanying by praying and attempting. We are not only just believing but also endeavoring”. The previous sentences also must be embedded to marginalized young people, they harbors equalities, liberties and franternities to get what they wanna. As speaking about getting involved the youths into agriculture is not absurb and they can do the best over the other disabilities. Agriculture will allow the potential of youths to developing and enhancing itself, without restrictions because agriculture is global altruistic not for specifics. A platform for agricultural development like YPARD (Young Professionals for Agriculture Development) and CSAYN (Climate Smart Agriculture Youth Network) are the positive chances to get involved and empower marginalized young people of understanding agriculture. These platforms will allow the marginals to be the professional agriculturists. We expect these platforms will help voluntarily the empowering of skills of the youths. For instance, indigenous young people, rural women and youths with disabilities can amplify their voices into national and international decisions till resolutions of agriculture. Their voices must be heard totally and not impartially because their voices are imperatively counted into human rights.




Tentang Penulis
Achmad Solikhin

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