Gurita Pasifik Utara

Gurita Pasifik Utara
23 Juni 2017


Telah tercatat adanya Gurita dengan spesies Enteroctopus dofleini yang memiliki panjang sebesar 9,14 meter dengan berat 272,15 kg. Gurita ini memiliki rata-rata panjang yaitu 4 m dengan rata-rata berat 50kg. Mereka hidup selama empat tahun dan bak jantan dan betina mati setelah kawin. Namun sang betina akan hidup lebih lama untuk melahirkan telur mereka. Dalam proses kehamlan yang berbulan-bulan mereka tidak makan dan mati setelah melahirkan. Mereka hidup di kedalaman 110 meter namun mereka dapat berenang hingga kedalaman 1500m. Ukuran ini melebihi ukuran tubuh manusia. Mereka mendiami tempat berlumpur, berpasir, dan bebatuan dimana mereka dapat membuat tempat bersembuny dan bersarang.

Giant Pasific Octopus atau Gurita Pasifik Utara memiliki mangsa berupa udang, ikan, dan keranf. Namun pernah diremukan juga mereka memakan hiu dan burung. Ia memiliki taring tersembunyi di dalam tubuhnya yang mampu merobek daging. Di setiap tentakelnya terdapat 280 penghisap. Ia memiliki jantung beruang tiga. Bisa dikatakan bahwa hewan ini adalah hewan bangsawan karena Ia memiliki darah berwarna biru yang mengandung banyak tembaga.

Giant Pacific octop


Giant Pacific octopuses are generally found in tidal pools and up to depths of 110 m, although they can also reside in deeper waters of up to 1,500 m. They often live in dens or lairs, under boulders, and in rock crevices. Ideal habitat for this species includes a soft substrate of mud, sand or gravel that includes large boulders for creating dens.

Giant Pacific octopuses are generally found in tidal pools and up to depths of 110 m, although they can also reside in deeper waters of up to 1,500 m. They often live in dens or lairs, under boulders, and in rock crevices. Ideal habitat for this species includes a soft substrate of mud, sand or gravel that includes large boulders for creating dens.

Giant Pacific octopuses are generally found in tidal pools and up to depths of 110 m, although they can also reside in deeper waters of up to 1,500 m. They often live in dens or lairs, under boulders, and in rock crevices. Ideal habitat for this species includes a soft substrate of mud, sand or gravel that includes large boulders for creating dens.

Giant Pacific octopuses are generally found in tidal pools and up to depths of 110 m, although they can also reside in deeper waters of up to 1,500 m. They often live in dens or lairs, under boulders, and in rock crevices. Ideal habitat for this species includes a soft substrate of mud, sand or gravel that includes large boulders for creating dens.
Giant Pacific octopuses are generally found in tidal pools and up to depths of 110 m, although they can also reside in deeper waters of up to 1,500 m. They often live in dens or lairs, under boulders, and in rock crevices. Ideal habitat for this species includes a soft substrate of mud, sand or gravel that includes large boulders for creating dens.
Giant Pacific octopuses are generally found in tidal pools and up to depths of 110 m, although they can also reside in deeper waters of up to 1,500 m. They often live in dens or lairs, under boulders, and in rock crevices. Ideal habitat for this species includes a soft substrate of mud, sand or gravel that includes large boulders for creating dens.
Tentang Penulis
Kezia Sitompul

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