Climate Smart Forestry is like a trending topic of both climate change and forestry issue. It is appearing in the line of Climate Smart Agriculture initiated by the Food and Agriculture of the United Nations. Three pillars of the concept are likely alike which are to increase productivity and resilience (adaptation), to reduces/removes GHGs (mitigation), and to enhance achievement of sustainable forest management goals.
Stepping on accelaring the goals of Climate Smart Forestry, on 2 November 2014, IGAF was invited by Students’ Executive Board of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) to promote his green actions to IPB’s students. Before holding the event, IGAF aligned the strategy to effectively promote what Climate Smart Forestry was. As the starategy as ussual, IGAF belonged multipurpose tree promotion, IGAF’s forestry projects, biodiversity introduction, REDD+ explanation, biocomposite products derived from wood wastes and YUNGA-TUNZA Eco generation’s books telling forestry and biodiversity.
The promotion was firsly committed by linking with Department of Seedling Cultivavtion-Dramaga for looking for multripurpose species of trees. IGAF got more than 30 seedlings to be disseminated to IPB’s students to be planted. And the last preparation was BIG Words Campaign which consisted of some inspirational words to be campainged to students such as “WE CARE TO THE ENVIRONMENT AND YOU?”
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