GreAction: Go Green in Action [Chapter 1]
Environmental problem phenomenons are mostly due to anthropogenics, and generating negative effects to multistakeholders. Education on the environment is one of integrated programme helping tackle the problems. A way of the education was embodied by Rumbel PPSDMS NF, GreAction, Rumah Belajar Matahari and IGAF LC UI in which the coordinator was Via Apriyani-UI. The education was known as Greaction: Go Green in Action held for 4 weeks starting from November to December 2014 around University of Indonesia. The aim was to increase awareness and give basic knowledge about the environment to children. On the first chapter, 22 November 2014, the agenda was education on planting vegetables with used bottles as pots. A real action was done through plantimg, giving course, and game. The participants of the action were 40 children with 13 mentors. Lastly, the lessons learned were responsibility and awareness to the environment which should be embedded early to the children.
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