Natural Repellent from Lemongrass

Natural Repellent from Lemongrass
5 Maret 2016

A lot of plant which can be used to repel mosquito naturally, one of them is using lemongrass. The lemongrass is usually used as cooking ingredient. In fact, this Cymbopogon citrates has a composition which can repel mosquito naturally.

Lemongrass contain asiri oil which composed of citral (65%-85%) and myrcene (12%-25%). Citral on lemongrass is a chemical component that can drive away mosquito naturally. The sweet scent from lemongrass is liked by us by not for mosquito.

There are many way to use lemongrass to repel mosquito. Lemongrass which is still the family of paddy and reed is easy to be planted at house yard. Planting lemongrass in house yard will decreased and repel mosquito. Besides, it can be squeezed and hang at the ceiling to repel mosquito.

The other way that worth to be try is making a anti mosquito spray from lemongrass with peppermint, spearmint, citronella, catnip and lavender mixture. The method is simple, only with stewing ingredients above with closed pot. After it is cool then mix it with alcohol 70%, then put it in cool or cold place. Anti mosquito spray with fresh scent is ready to be used.

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Admin BW
Biodiversity Warriors

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