Marginalized Young People as Concerned Parts of Agricultural Development

Marginalized Young People as Concerned Parts of Agricultural Development
18 March 2015

Hurdles of Marginalized Young People Marginalized young people are always separated from the global regards and perspectives of each realm due to discrepancy. They are also well known as separated youths, including indigenous young people, youths with disabilities and young women. Most of them confront difficulties and hurdles in determining rights over other youths who harbor recognition of rights. For instance, they are obstructed to get equal and well-rounded of education, and are limited with information and technology access because of certain reasons such as gender, heredity, tribes, status, etc.  



Taking marginalized young people into Agriculture In bygone days to now, we keep on realizing that food and agriculture are interlinked each other. Millineum Development Goals revamping into Sustainable Development Goals affects the concept of Sustainable Agriculture as well. As taking concern into sustainable agriculture, the sustainability should be counterbalanced with three pillars of SDs with 17 goals. It will be not impossible more challenging for human beings on improving the productivity of agriculture for subsitence and or other meets of humans’ life.

Tentang Penulis
Achmad Solikhin

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