Map and infographic of biodiversity in The city forest of Krida Loka is officially established on Saturday, 20 Februari 2016. The activity is initiated by Transformasi Hijau (TRASHI) collaborated with BBC ”Ardea” Biology Faculty of National University, Biodiversity Warriors,HSBC and GBK. Biodiversity that is stored in the city forest of Krida Loka can attract people. People can come and use the open green space positively. One of them is as a tool of biodiversity education.
The release event of infographic map and flora and fauna information board are expected becoming a momentum to introduce and conserve biodiversity. Especially for the biodiversity which are located in the city forest of Krida Loka which is managed by The Department of Agriculture and Forestry DKI Jakarta under the patronage of The Ministry of State Secretariat of The Republic of Indonesia.
The release event is attended by people in the city forest of Krida Loka surroundings, student and community which concern on living environment matter. Sapta Pala SHS 7 Jakarta, Klub Indonesia Hijau, Peta HIjau Jakarta,Biological Bird Club ‘Ardea’ Biology Faculty of National University, KSHL Comata UI, Academy of Interstudy Design, program Sahabat Alam of DAAI TV and BW attend the inauguration event.
The biodiversity mapping begin by observing flora and fauna (Capture Nature) on September 2015 in the city forest of Krida Loka. The observation is done until the end of October 2016. “We hope this observation can give comprehension to the young generation about the city biodiversity and competent to supply them with flora and fauna observation technique which are located in open green space in Jakarta.” Said Ahmad Baihaqi, one of Biodiversity Warriors and also the member of student of Biology Faculty of National University.
Nowadays, DKI Jakarta Province approximately has 9% open green space of the total area DKI Jakarta Region. Whereas, UU No 26 Year 2007 about spatial planning clearly stated that a city must have 30% open green space area from the total area of that region. A space of 30% from the total area region is a minimum requirement to guarantee the balance of city ecosystem, including the balance of hydrology system which closely related to flood and the enhancement of the availability of fresh air. Seeing this condition, Jakarta actually is far away from ideal position.

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