IGAF Hero 2

IGAF Hero 2
17 March 2015

Below are the heroes of IGAF Eco-projects initiated by IGAF and GEF Small Grants Programme UNDP Indonesia:

BIG Grateful to Alloh SWT and Terasmitra for guiding us of being a sustainable platform for the environment

Thank you Mr. Kahar, Mr. Muslim Anshori, Achmad Mustaqim and Kustantia Septiana Wulandari as the spearheads of the Jepara’s Biocomposite

Thank you Baskoro Pakusadewo, Hany Zuyyinah L and Achmad Moslem as the coordinators of IGAF’s Young Foresters School at SD N 2 Jambu

Thank you Angga Dwi I, Mega Fitria, Orita Mega D, Mutiara Niken, Ammalia and Oktavia Ayu for assisting IGAF’s Sustainable Beach and Mangrove Management

And Special Envoys of Terasmitra, namely: Ms. Catharina Dwihastari, Meinar Sapto and Hery Budi.

You are Inspiring

About Author
Mega Fitria

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